If you are searching for the best local seo strategy, local seo tips or local seo guide, this post/video is about to make growing your local business a whole easier! Get ready for the best local seo strategy guide for 2018 and beyond!
Hey guys, my name is Erick “Efreezee” Carlson and I am the head local seo strategist for WebTechs.Net, a successful web company that started back in 1998.
Ive been working with WebTechs since 2013 and have had the pleasure of performing local to national seo services for many different types of local businesses including contractors, designers, lawyers, HVAC experts and even plumbers, one of the most competitive local business types out there and we are winning with these strategies.
With so many different types of clients to experiment with, Over the years, I have learned what works and what doesn’t; What’s worth spending money on and what’s not.
In this video I will show you:
- Local seo strategies you can implement right now while watching this video
- Why your Google listing, website and only a few other elements are all you need to rank well
- How to make your on page optimization stronger with a few easy local SEO Tips
- Why you don’t really need links to rank organically on Google (yes I just said that)
- How to build your local seo product or service pages from scratch and what type of information needs to be listed on that pages to rank highly and get more calls to your busienss
Almost all of the local SEO tips I will show are things you can do for 100% free, with no money out of pocket. People pay us 1000’s of dollars a month to do this for them guys, have been with us for years and they are still paying and/or adding more accounts as they grow. No one in their right mind would pay thousands of dollars for something that doesn’t work, continue to pay and then add more accounts on.
Everything i’m about to show you has worked more than once or twice, and is tested and true for many different types of business categories.
1. The Best Local SEO Strategy Starts With A Business Listing

Google is the number one place to get new customers so creating a google listing is an absolute must. Create your Google My Business listing by clicking here. You will have the option of creating a service area business or a physical location. We have a Google maps marketing guide that shows you how to completely optimize your Google Maps Listing.
True or False: You have to have a physical location in order to rank well on Google search and maps?
False: It doesn’t matter what type of listing you have. As long as your web pages have the information I’m about to show you on them, you will rank extremely well in the organic listings and the maps.
Focus On Adding New Pictures & Reviews To Your Google Listing
The most important thing you should be focused on with this new listing is adding new pictures and getting new reviews on a regular basis. This will show Google & Potential Customers: You have proof of your work (pictures) and other people like it too (reviews).
These are all positive signals that it needs to see to rank you highly. Google needs to trust you in order to rank you highly. The more proof you provide via pictures and reviews; the more Google will trust you, rank you highly and send customers your way!
However, you’re not going to be able to rank with only a Google business, you need to create a website that talks about your products and services in depth. That’s the only way to rank a website or business listing higher. You don’t actually build up your business listing, rather, your website that is attached to your business listing.
Dowdload This SEO Plugin Before You Do Anything Else
Before you build any page or add a single keyword you should download the Keywords Everywhere plugin for Google Chrome immediately. This is an incredible local SEO tool that will help you find the right keywords to use when building your pages. This keyword tool will actually show you how many people are searching for the keyword phrase you chose and how much advertisers are paying per click.

You don’t want to pick a random keyword, you want to pick a popular phrase that gets searched often. Go get this plugin and install it in Chrome, if your not using Chrome, Go download Google Chrome, install it and set it as your default browser. This plugin is that important and if you won’t even do that then stop this video now, you aren’t ready for the next level yet.
2. Build New Pages On Your Website
Any good local SEO strategy should include adding new product/service pages to your website aka content you hear all these SEOers talking about. CONTENT IS KING!! Some SEO strategists say that isn’t true anymore and that adding backlinks is the most important SEO tip.
I have 1,000’s of pages of proof where we used 0 backlinks to rank clients in the number 1 spot on Google search for competitive keywords like the keyword phrase “garage door repair costs”. Advertisers are paying over $21.00 per click to show up for that keyword and our client has the featured position organically. Meaning, we aren’t paying to show up there. Google knows we have the best answer to that query and chooses to show our sites answer as the featured result.
Guess what got us there… Content. We did not build a single link to that post. It got their organically because we noticed what type of content was out there, made our own unique version of it and expanded it to be better for the end user.
What kind of pages do I build on my website?
Whether you offer products or services will determine what type of content you need on your website but the general idea still remains the same. If you sell products, you need to create local product pages focused on your individual products and city you’re doing business in. If you sell services, you need to create local service pages focused on your individual services and city you’re doing business in. We go into way more depth below, keep reading.
What should I talk about on my product and service pages?
No other seo strategist talks about this. No one knows what they should be saying on their local seo service or product pages because all SEOers do is talk about titles, meta tags and alt tags. They never actually show you what type of content should be listed on your pages to rank higher and dominate your competitors. I had to learn these local seo tips over years of experience in building thousands of pages and analyzing 1000s of competitor websites every year while performing research.
To keep it simple, all you really need on your pages is about 800 words of text, a couple heading tags, a picture and the right formatting on your important keywords. I will show you exactly how to put your content together right now. No matter what type of business you have these strategies should work for you.
3. Create Individual Pages For Your Products & Services
This is the most important thing you can do to rank organically without ever having to pay for PPC or ads. Most business owners who do their own SEO and even some season SEOers still make the mistake of listing all of their services on only one page. Google likes to see individual pages created for each product or service you have. This will give them a clear explanation of what your site is about and the types of keywords/categories they should rank you for.
4. How To Perfectly SEO Each Product & Service Page
Depending on the competition where you live, you may or may not need that much content on your pages at all but any wise SEO guy or gal would tel you that having at least 800 words on each page is best practice.
Although, research your competition first to find out how much content they have on their individual product or service pages.
Here is what should be listed on every product or service page you create for the best possible chance of taking a strong ranking right away.
Step 1. Create Good Page Titles

Make the title of your page a combination of the following elements: The general name of your product or service (the most general way people know it, not the name you gave it. If you’re a plumber, say plumber etc), the city you do business in and then your company name. Here is an easy format for titles of your pages:
Service City – Company Name
For example: Local SEO Services Scottsdale – WebTechs.Net
If you are a plumber in Houston and your company name way John’s Plumbing Service, you would make your page title like this:
For example: Plumber Houston – John’s Plumbing Service
Upload an Image
Make an image relevant to your product or service and use your keywords for the file name of the image and use the same keywords for the title and alt text of the image after uploading.
Add An Intro Paragraph (Plus a good Call To Action)
Adding an intro to the page will help Google and the reader understand your page better. Furthermore, bolding and italicizing your keywords will make them stand out to Google for a better chance to rank.
If you are searching for the phrase “Service/City“, Company Name can help!
For example: If you are searching for the phrase “Local SEO Services Scottsdale“, WebTechs.Net can help!
Add a Call To Action With A Link
If you are interested in our SEO Services In Scottsdale, give WebTechs.net a call today at (480) 348-0550.
Add Your First H2/Sub Topic
This is where we are going to add meat to the page that will help Google understand your page better and offer more information for your potential customers.
H2 – Your general product or service + City name
For example:
H2 – SEO Services We Offer In Scottsdale
Add a paragraph under hear that generally talks about your services or products.
For example: WebTechs.Net has always been focused on helping small to mid-sized companies in The Greater Phoenix Area increase their web presence since 1997. We achieve great results by using cutting edge search engine optimization (SEO) strategies and keep up with the most current techniques at all times.
Next you need need supporting headings and content for your 1st h3 heading. This is where you list the individual types of products or services and write about them too.
H3 – 1st type of product or service
For example: National SEO Services could be our 1st h3 heading where we have a paragraph that talks about national SEO services. (3-4 sentences about your product or service)
H3 – 2nd type of product or service
For example: Local SEO Services could be our 2nd h3 heading where we have a paragraph that outlines our specialties in the local SEO side of our services. (3-4 sentences about your product or service)
H3 – 3rd type of product or service
This is where you would list a 3rd type of product or service and (3-4 sentences about your product or service)
Don’t have 3 services or sub services you offer? No problem, see “add more supporting paragraphs” below for more h2 topics you can easily add to your page.
Add More Supporting Paragraphs
An easy way to add more content or sub topics to your page is to ask yourself what your customers are searching for when they think about your specific product or service. More often than not, customers are usually searching for the same things; How much does X service cost, How does X service work, what are the benefits of X product or service and so on. These questions can be used for sub topics on your web pages to expand the text length for and make your pages rank better.
Also, Are there any benefits of what you offer vs your competitor? This can also help create more content. For example: List your differences or benefits in bullet points like you see below.
Example 1.
H2 – Why Hire Us For Local SEO Services?
- We do better research for content topics
- We fully build out your web page to rank higher on Google search
- We use very few links and 100% white hat content to get your site ranking
- We offer SEO services for small, medium and large business
- etc
Example 2.
H2 – Benefits of service
For example: Benefits Of SEO Services
- Get found on local search
- More traffic to your website
- Get new customers
- Make more sales
Example 3.
H2 – How Much Does X Service Cost
We gathered up information from around the web to find out the most common plumbing repairs and how much those plumbing repairs cost. From our research and experience we have found that the average cost of plumbing repair is around $247. (2-4 more sentences) In this example you could break down the individual services and how much each of them cost. I can’t tell you how many solar leads I’ve gotten my partner Aaron Basques just by building a post called “How much do solar panels cost”
Example 4.
H2 – Common X Problems
A big topic in the repair fields or in the plumbing field in “bathroom plumbing problems” so we listed an h2 in our clients page that lists the most common types of bathroom plumbing problems. We also used our page jumps on this page and got a special link in the meta description to our content.

Not only did this rank #1 organically for the phrase “Shower Plumbing Problems Mesa” but our client also took #1 in the maps listing instantly after indexing this page as well and got this pretty link in his content to the customers actually problem. This works for almost any word you want to show up there as long as you use you h2’s, h3’s and page jumps properly. I show you how to use a page jump below.
Electricians could use, most common electrical problems and HVAC repair guys could use most common AC problems.
Create a Outro or Conclusion to The Page
Your conclusion can be a heading such as, Free SEO Quotes in Scottsdale or Free Local SEO Consultations in Scottsdale. Embed a map with your business name in it and then use your same call to action you used for the intro for the outro as well.
Your Conclusion and Outro should look like this:
<h2>Free SEO Consultations In Scottsdale</h2>
<i frame>(Embedded Map of your business) width=”100%” height=”150″</i frame>
If you are interested in our SEO Services In Scottsdale, give WebTechs.net a call today at (480) 348-0550.
What It All Looks Like Put Together
H1 & SEO Meta Title – SEO Services Scottsdale – WebTechs.Net
(Image to fit the page) alt texted and titled with keywords
If you are searching for the phrase “SEO Services Scottsdale“, WebTechs.Net can help! If you are interested in our SEO Services In Scottsdale, give WebTechs.net a call today at (480) 348-0550.
H2 – SEO Services We Offer In Scottsdale
Take a look at the SEO services we offer in Scottsdale, Arizona:
H3 – Google Maps Marketing
We provide Google Maps marketing services to help get your business listing found by new customers on Google Search.
H3 – National SEO Services
We provide national SEO services for companies who want to show up on more searches than just local.
H3 – Local SEO Services
We provide local SEO services to help local business get found for their products and services.
H2 – Benefits Of SEO Services
- Get found on local search
- More traffic to your website
- Get new customers
- Make more sales
H4 – Contact Us For SEO Services In Scottsdale
(Map of City) width=”100%” height=”150″
If you are interested in our SEO Services In Scottsdale, give WebTechs.net a call today at (480) 348-0550.
4. Optimize Your Website’s Home Page
I know you think we probably should of done this first but its actually easier to make your home page stronger once all of your product or service pages are filled out. Your home page should be the hub of all of your products and services. Your home page should link to all of your individual product or service pages I’m going to show you how to create.
Step 1. Create A Good Home Page Title
A good home page title should be a combination of the type of company you own, your city and the company name.
If you are a plumber in Houston whose name was John’s Plumbing Services you would make your home page title like this:
<title>Plumbing Company Houston – John’s Plumbing Services</title>
Step 2. Make an h2 with the types of Services you offer
Take all of those services pages you built and list each one of your home page in a bullet point format. For example: If we are use the plumbing example again, A plumber would list his services with an h2 and bullet points like this:
<h2>Plumbing Services We Offer</h2>
- Shower & Tub Repair
- Toilet Repair
- Drain Cleaning
- Sink & Faucet Repair
Another great h2 for your home page could be:
<h2>About Our Plumbing Company</h2>
<h2>Benefits Of Choosing Our Company</h2>
Although, you home page doesn’t need to be as in depth as your product and service pages do. You will be your worth through these secondary pages vs stuffing your home page with a whole bunch of text. Plus Google will list your home page sometimes even though you have created individual product and service pages there is no way to avoid this that I’ve learned.
After Implementing These Local SEO Strategies, How long will It take for me to see a difference in my ranking?
The tips I’m just showed you will instantly change your organic ranking on Google search, most of the time within minutes to a day, after fetching your newly created or updated page in Google search console. However, the fetch option doesn’t instantly update Google’s index for all keywords equally. Some niches that don’t get searched as much take longer for Google to update. You will most likely see a just immediately but major increases or changes in ranking and traffic usually happen after 3-6 months.
You will notice you page jumping around in rank a bit at first. That’s just Google testing your click through rate, how long people are staying on your site and other factors to see if ranking you highly would please their searchers/consumers. Google is all about trust and wants to send a consumer to a site where they know the consumer will have a good experience.
One Of The Best Local SEO Tips I Ever Received
One of the best local seo tips I received was “adding page jumps” to my product and service pages
Basically you are creating a table of contents of what is listed on your page with links that jump to those individual portions of content.
Table Of Contents
- <a href=”#1″>Plumbing Services</a>
- <a href=”#2″>Why Choose Our Company</a>
- <a href=”#3″>Get A Free Plumbing Estimate</a>
<h2 id=”1″>Plumbing Services</h2>
<h2 id=”2″>Why Choose Our Company</h2>
<h2 id=”3″>Get A Free Plumbing Estimate</h2>
These page jumps actually can show up in your meta description on Google search, can be clicked by searchers and will take them to that individual portion of content. These page jump links are automatically tracked in Google search console so you can figure out which parts of your content your readers or potential customers are interested in most.
Need Help Getting With Adding More Content To Your Website? Need Help Creating Your Google Maps Listing?

WebTechs.Net can help you get your local business found on organic search and Google maps. We can add content to your website that will increase your calls and visits to your maps listing and website which will increase your sales. Get a free SEO consultation today by giving WebTechs.Net a call today at (480) 348-0550 Ext 105 or fill out our contact form and ask for Erick.